Download the Longevity App Beta
Enter your email to receive instructions on how to download the Beta on both Google or Apple App Store
*By participating in this Beta test I consent to the following statements: 1) I understand that tokens represented in the Beta application are are for simulation purposes only IN NO WAY TIED TO REAL RJV TOKENS. (Any details on future Beta tester rewards will be communicated separately) 2) I understand that If I choose to connect my Wearable/health tracker device(s) that my personal health data will be accessible to the Rejuve.AI product development team for bug fixing, quality analysis, and improvement. 3) I understand that I have the right to utilize a pseudonym and/or alternate email address, and/or fictional survey data in order to preserve my privacy. 4) I understand that the Rejuve.AI team will delete ALL COLLECTED DATA, either at the conclusion of the Beta testing period or at my request at any time during the testing phase.